Of course it works in a pdf created with Finale 2006, but we are talking about eps, which is what I need. The publisher I work for use a workflow that would be impossible to recreate with a pdf file and we, as most publishing houses I guess, need eps to have more flexibility with DTP softwares. That is precisely why we still use Finale 2003 as a primary engraving tools, although I greatly miss all the enhancements made since then.

Thanks anyway Harold,

Éric Dussault

Le 05-08-25 à 23:07, Harold Owen a écrit :


I made a little file with dashed slurs in FinMac2k6 and printed it to PDF (using Perview). The Preview file looks exactly like the Finale file. You can adjust the length of dashes and spaces, but I used the default and it looks fine in both the original and the PDF. I'm on a G4 System 10.3.8.


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