Johannes wrote:

To be honest, I have given up on anything _but_ interim measures with Finale.

[sigh] You're probably right.

No major redesign seems to take place anymore, and if it does it seems to be badly thought out (like the constant loading of GPO instruments in 2k6 when you switch docs, whoever designed this should be sacked by MakeMusic, it's unbelievably stupid!).

I very much agree. However, in the interim, you can turn off "Play Finale through Native Instruments AU" on a document-by-document basis. This will still preserve your AU configuration, so you can turn it on again to load your GPO instruments whenever you need GPO playback. It's still a huge pain, since you need to remember to always turn it off *before* you switch (or close) any documents. [Hence my suggestion for a "Load AU/VST Instruments only when needed" document option.]

> However, I would *still* like Finale to completely overhaul the way
> it handles inter-staff spacing in multi-staff systems. Sibelius does
> this very nicely -- it's easy to place the lowest staff line on the
> page in the same vertical position on every page (say, 1" above the
> edge of the page), and it's easy to lock that position while making
> adjustments to other staves -- in other words you can increase the
> distance between the Vln. I and Vln. II by dragging, and the
> Contrabass staff *does not move* -- instead, the distance between all
>  the *other* staves is reduced proportionally.

I am not quite sure I understand correctly, but I don't think this would actually solve my problem. I am not talking so much about scores which only have one system on each page, I mainly work with much smaller scores of eg three staves. Sometimes it is necessary to have only three systems of three staves each on a page, and I want a _fully automatic_ way for these to be spaced well, which means spacing the staves within each system and spacing the systems as well. I do not want to have to drag anything for these.

Yes, I agree. I'm just saying there is another problem I would like solved. Even if you only have three staves per system (for a string trio, for instance) you may decide that you need to increase the distance between the Vln. II and Cello staves in the bottom system, *after* the bottom system has already been correctly spaced on the page. [In other words, the lowest staff line of the cello is already on the correct vertical position on the page and you don't want to lower it any further.]

In Sibelius, if you drag the Cello staff in the bottom system *down*, it doesn't actually put the Cello staff further down on the page (which would result in the cello staff been misaligned with the other pages). Instead, it keeps the Cello staff where it is and moves the Vln. II and Vln. I staves *up*. If the page is tight and there's not enough room to move those staves up without causing collisions with the previous system, it reduces the vertical distance between the Vln. I and Vln. II staves. This is much more sensible and intelligent than Finale's method.

What you are suggesting is a plugin that will give you better results *before* you hand-tweak the vertical spacing. (That is, if it needs hand-tweaking.) What I am suggesting is a better method of actually hand-tweaking the vertical spacing in situations where this is necessary. I think we need both.

Anyway, the whole optimization/respace staves/TGTools Staff List Manager/Space Systems evenly/System Margins setup is a complete mess. My preference would be for a compete overhaul (which would include automatic vertical spacing, but you're probably right that small, incremental changes are the only things with any chance of being implemented.

One of many areas as far as I can see. But we have GPO (which I have completely given up on, since using it makes Finale pretty much unusable when working with more than one document).

You might try assigning an iKey to toggle "Play Finale through Native Instruments AU" -- this would allow you to load GPO instruments only when needed. It's not a great solution, but it might tide you over until this problem is fixed.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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