Kurt Gnos wrote:
Hi all,

now we got Finale 2006, we could begin to find out what we think we need in the next version or an update. While I like the mixer possibilities, they are not of much use as long as you cannot combine the new sounds with human playback, and, even worse, as you can't save wav-Files or something using the sounds. I guess this will be made possible by a contact player update?

My priorities:
EPS-export. This must, and I hope, will be possible (again)!
A better File format or import/export filters that allow you to open and save between versions, I mean, also from the newer to the older version.

I'm working on a book where some of my co-autors only have Finale 2005. Because EPS on WinXP does not work, someone on Mac will have to do all the music examples again... (we work with Tiffs for a workaround, but finally (,-) with EPS

I have no problems in Microsoft word between platforms and versions. How about Finale, too? I don't mind if the new features are not support in the older programs, of course, just get the important stuff through.

I don't need a lot of the features added in the last few versions, I can do everything I need to do, but these two things would really make my life easier.

I'm sure you have also wishes and priorities. Why not share them? And why not, finally - ask Coda/MakeMusic to make them true?

You really need to raise this issue with MakeMusic now because they may already have the list of what features they'll add, which long-standing bugs they'll try to fix, which new bugs they'll try to fix, which long-standing broken aspects of the program they'll try to repair, which Sibelius 4 features they'll want to incorporate (I bet they're sweating Dynamic Parts right now), which features they feel will give them the edge over Sibelius once again.

Wait much longer and you'll be asking for Fin2008 features!

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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