Darcy James Argue wrote:
On 09 Sep 2005, at 5:09 AM, dhbailey wrote:

I can't recall where I've read this, but I'm sure a search of Stone or Read or Ross will support it -- the later note in the second measure requires an accidental. The rule about accidentals working throughout the measure only applies when there has been an actual accidental placed in the measure. Since with tied notes, there isn't an accidental placed in front of the tied note in the second measure


David, I don't mean to get snippy, but for crying out loud, this is *exactly what this entire thread has been about* -- situations where there IS an accidental placed in front of the tied note in the second measure (because the second measure begins a new system, or a new page, etc).

And didn't my second sentence above: "The rule about accidentals working
throughout the measure only applies when there has been an actual
accidental placed in the measure." answer the question?

I'm not sure what you're crying out loud for, but cry more quietly -- I can hear you all the way up here in New Hampshire!

David H. Bailey
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