Darcy James Argue wrote:

You can type numeric values for volume and pan in the instrument list. I agree that the UI for adjusting the pan in the mixer/studio view is unusable. Also, for panning, instead of absolute MIDI controller values, Finale should use percentages (e.g. 33% L, 67% R) like, oh, I don't know, EVERY OTHER APPLICATION THAT LETS YOU SET PANNING.

Darcy, where do you get off making such silly blanket statements, and shouting them, too? What a silly statement to make in the first place, here are three applications which let you set panning that don't use percentages. PowerTracks I will admit may be little known, but Band-in-a-Box is a very widely used program, as is Sibelius.

Band-in-a-Box, an application which lets you set panning, uses midi numbers, not percentages.

PowerTracksPro, an application which lets you set panning, uses midi numbers, not percentages. The numbers appear at the bottom of the window as you move the slider.

Sibelius, an application which lets you set panning, doesn't use percentages OR midi numbers. There's just a slider in the mixer view which you can manipulate left or right and it moves the sound as you drag the slider.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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