Hi Jacki,
Don't know if you are on a Mac or not, but if you are there is a
great little program called SimpleChord that has a reverse lookup
feature that will help with this sort of thing. Just click on the
notes on the keyboard and it will name the chord...:-) You can move
the chords to the iPod too for ear training or quick reference too...
The cost is $9.99
On Sep 9, 2005, at 12:31 PM, Jacki B. wrote:
Hey, Everyone - I've gone blank this afternoon for some reason! Could
someone let me know what this chord would be called: D - Fb - Ab
I know it's a D diminished but can't remember if this is the regular
diminished chord or a "doubly diminished" since it's 2 minor
3rds... Just
gone brain-dead for some reason! How would this be indicated in a
sheet for guitarists? D° - ?
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