Very good, thanks. Yes, I didn't mean trilling on one pitch, you are correct. What I had in mind there was a rapid alternation of strokes on one bar, say, 32nd notes, or the tremolo between octaves. I've now had some excellent alternatives proposed, so I shall have to think them through.

Thanks again,


On Oct 10, 2005, at 9:55 AM, Andrew Stiller wrote:

On Oct 8, 2005, at 12:04 PM, Dean M. Estabrook wrote:

I'm finishing a piece for Wind Ensemble. I want a bright, intense, loud shimmering unison (or octaves) in the upper winds on a trill. In adding some perc. to this sound, I'll have the triangle on a trill and would like to add a xylophone trilling on the same note as the winds. Question: Can a xylophone create the sound I want trilling on one pitch, or would it be more effective on a tremolo an octave apart? If the later, how do I notate the tremolo on a whole note?

There's a terminology problem here, because if the xyl. is "trilling on one pitch," then it is not trilling at all. If the winds are also doing that, then they are flutter-tonguing--but I suspect you want real trills in the winds. If so, why not have a real trill in the xyl. as well?

And if you want a "bright, intense, loud, shimmering" sound, I would recommend glockenspiel instead of xylophone. Give it a real trill to play, just like the winds, and if you want you can even give it two simultaneous trills an octave apart, w. a pair of sticks in one hand playing the main pitch and a pair in the other hand playing the auxiliary notes. (You can do the same on the xyl. if you want.)

tremolo an octave apart? If the later, how do I notate the tremolo on a whole note?

Should you decide to do this, then you should notate two whole notes in the place of one with a diagonal triple beam in the space between them. There is a shape-expression available for the beams. The whole tremolo can be created in a single step by using the Tremolos plugin from TGTools.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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