At 06:48 PM 10/11/2005, dhbailey wrote:
>Having Text Search and Replace in the Edit menu makes perfect sense.
>The question isn't why it's in that menu, but rather why did it have to
>wait until plug-in technology came along, and even then why was it in
>the Plug-in menu at all, when it's clearly an Edit menu function (at
>least in practically every other Windows program I've ever used.)

I know you're being somewhat rhetorical here, but of course TSAR was in the Plugins menu because it was developed as a plugin, not as an integral part of Finale. (I don't know whether it was developed by Robert Piechaud, author of FinaleScript, or whether it was based on the S&R plugin that Jari Williamson wrote.) I'll grant you that someone coming to Finale 2006 with no prior experience is more likely to look for such a thing under Edit -- unless they read the promotional material which calls it a plugin, or read the note I mentioned which *says* it's under Plugins.

>I have a feeling that since FinaleScript has been very underwhelmingly
>received (at least it hasn't drawn much attention except from a couple
>of devoted users)

My impression is that it's useful, but far less useful than it might be. I know that some people have some scripts they use frequently for certain tasks; personally, every time I come up with something that would be really useful in a batch script, I find that FinaleScript can't do it.

>Makemusic gave it no thought other than to make sure
>that it should work in 2006 and simply copied the 2005 scripts over.

I don't have 2005, but in 2004 this particular script actually has different text -- it *doesn't* specify that TSAR is under Plugins. So it was changed by Robert at some point.


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