On 11/3/05, dhbailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hopefully all of us who have upgraded kept our installations of Fin2005
and added a second installation for Fin2006, so we can continue to do
real work in Fin2005 while waiting to see what happens with Fin2006.
Like you, I kept my Fin2005 around on Windows. (I tried to get a refund and return the still shrink-wrapped Fin2006, but they said I had waited too long and the return period had expired.) I have since installed Fin2006, but don't dare use it for any real work.

I'm on Windows, so the "let's trash some data when he's not looking" bug
hassn't bitten me, but even as I installed it I didn't have a great
feeling of trust (especially when some things which were supposed to
work in GPO, such as preset ambience settings selection) in it and have
continued to do any "can't have any screwups" work in Finale2005.

I am in the process of switching to my iBook G4 that I purchased in August. Although Tiger is an incredible platform for everything else, I just don't have the courage to install software that will delete entire folders and "trash data when I'm not looking."

I wonder what would happen if they simply took out all the hooks to GPO
playback and released a version where playback was like it was in
Fin2005 but any engraving improvements are left.

Finale has become severely bloated. One of the challenges of bloatware development is keeping it from collapsing under its own weight. (I know--I've worked on such projects [sigh]). I hope MakeMusic rethinks its current strategy, or they will lose lots of customers. (Speaking for myself, I won't buy any more updates until they address their stability problems.)

Or what if they released a version without the
"manipulate-temp-files-in-memory-rather-than-on-disk" supposed improvements.

But as for being able to jump to a different product, there's nothing
other than Fin2005 that will do for many of us.

I am (still) seriously considering upgrading my Sibelius 2 (Windows) to version 4 (Mac). For the present, though, I'll stick with FinWin2005, and use my Mac for "everything-else-but-desktop-music-publishing."

Morris Inouye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. --Hanlon's Razor
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