Aaron Sherber wrote:

At 06:51 PM 12/14/2005, Kurt Gnos wrote:
 >So - the best link, in my opinion, would be to have everything linked
 >- but not formatting and all things related. 

Not to rehash the discussion we had in depth when the latest version of Sibelius came out -- but this is just how Sibelius does it. Data (i.e., notes and such) are linked, but formatting is not (or at least, not necessarily).

Right -- not necessarily, but formatting CAN be linked.

I don't want a program making the decision for me as to what will and won't be linked.

I want the freedom to be able to work on a part and have any change be reflected back in the score (or not) as I feel it suits MY project best.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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