On 27.12.2005 Chuck Israels wrote:
I am working on a document (arranging book) with many Finale eps graphic inserts in MS Word, and they print well when I print the pages on my HP Laserwriter 5000N. (They look lame on screen, but they print fine.) However, when I send the file to others in Word, or convert it to a pdf file, the Finale examples print badly (losing lines, etc.).

Am I doing something less than optimally, or is that just the way things are? I'd like to have others see the work (to help edit things and advise me) but, at the moment, I must print hard copies and mail them, and that seems so last century!

If you are on a Mac, try this (works for me in some applications, but I don't own Word):

Instead of selecting "Save PDF" or the like in the print dialogue, select a postscript driver and save as PS file. Now open this PS file with Preview, and save it as PDF. The PDF might be larger, but I can get EPS graphics to render correctly (otherwise they only get embedded as pisel graphics).

If this is the answer, I suspect there is a problem embedding EPS in PDFs when doing this directly from the print dialogue. One application where this definitely is the solution is Finale itself, if you placed EPS graphics with the graphics tool (which I do for footnotes and the like).

I think Apple is to blame here, not Finale.



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