Please forgive my delay in responding to this thread. I have recently made some piano reductions for a client and have experienced this problem exactly.

I began the job by trying the reductions in both Sibelius (my preference, sorry) and Finale. Though each program did the reductions quickly, each required lots of clean up afterward (kind of like an imported midi file).

Many of the rhythms were not exactly the same and so required voices (Sibelius) or layers (Finale) be reassigned so different rhythms could live in the same measure. Unfortunately, Finale will not allow editing of individual notes in this manner, so I did the work in Sibelius, which does. Then I was told the job required Finale, so I made music XML files of the Sibelius work and moved them to Finale where there remained more clean up to do.

Evaluating this work (more to come from the same client), I agree with Carolyn Bremer, I will do future work by copying one stave and then entering remaining lines from scratch, that will be faster.

If I am able to deliver Sibelius or PDF files, I will simply do the reduction and reassign voices as needed.

I was recently at the Midwest Band/Orchestra Clinic in Chicago. I had a long (I think productive) discussion with the Make Music folks there about the problems I encountered trying to make these reductions with their software. Maybe changes will be made. Finale's weakness in this respect is the inability to change an individual note's layer after it is entered.

Richard Smith\

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