On 4 Jan 2006 at 23:41, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

> But my point, to repeat, is that the program should make these
> straightforward features clear without needing help files or manuals.
> Force a choice, for example, with a radio button ([move notes to
> transposed position] [copy notes to transposed position]) or provide a
> hover popup as Tobias does.(transposes notes only and deletes original
> notes; transposes notes and also keeps original in place). That's just
> an improv on it. A test group would help clarify it.

I agree that the functionality should be "user discoverable" instead 
of requiring going to the manuals.

But the question is: where does the functionality I needed belong in 
the program? It seemed like a "Composer's Assistant" kind of feature 
to me, so I first looked in the plug-ins.

I understand why it's convenient to put the function in the 
transposition dialog, since it's a place to hang the feature on, and 
one that is easy to use once you know it's there.

But it really isn't what I'd call a transposition function, and 
that's the problem -- there is nothing logical from a *musical* point 
of view that makes it obvious that this is where the function 

I don't know where it should be.

I do know that the transposition dialog is not a place that would 
come to mind intuitively.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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