At 02:53 PM 1/7/2006, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

>Michael Cook / 2006/01/07 / 04:39 AM wrote:
>>I use Microsoft Word 2001 for Mac. In this version, at least, I can put
>>*any* command in *any* menu.
>I stand corrected.  I see the feature as the first time.  On the other
>hand, I have never ever received any support from Micro$haft.  Once I
>wanted to know upgrade path on VPC when they took it over.  They never
>responded.  Only time I ever got response from them was when the first
>OSX version of Office killed my OSX JP locale Unicode Lib, and they
>simply told me to bring it back to the reseller for full refund, while
>reseller refused to do so because they said M$ will never reimburse
>them.  Huh!
>So, I guess tech support issue with customizable menu on Office isn't
>that much issue to them.

Lots of Windows programs have totally customizable menus and tool palettes.

I have received over 50 responses from MS about various issues.

Phil Daley          < AutoDesk >

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