It sounds like the problem was identified, not solved, Gerry...and I can't see how Retrograde's inability to deal with simple triplets allows it to be described as being able to "handle complex rhythms".

It would seem that it's the tuplet nature of the figure that's the problem rather than its actual rhythmic value though. While a 4:3 group of sixteenths caused the plug-in to freeze, it could handle the same figure when notated as four dotted thirty seconds. But a plug in that can't handle even triplet quavers is simply broken.


At 17:18 -0800 06/01/2006, Gerry Kirk wrote:
FWIW, I'm happy to report that I solved my own problem with retrograde, RE my post of December 27:

<Playing around (in 2006b on a G5 Mac) with a little 2-staff tune I am writing, I decided to try the

<retrograde permutation on an 8-meas. phrase (via plugins, scoring and arranging, canonic utilitites).

<It worked fine.

<I tried it on another 8-meas. passage of the same tune, and FINALE just ground away, never

<producing anything. Repeating this at least 8 times after force-quitting FINALE (and each time

<trying different settings of retrograde), I could not get retrograde to work again after that first

<success. Any suggestions? (Everything else works in FINALE. Is this a flaw in that plugin?)

Although I consulted this venerable list, and called MM support, no one seemed to have a solution. After many FINALE crashes, I discovered the problem is quarter-note tuplets. (The tip came from MM, who showed me that FINALE retrograde still worked for a simple rhythm over a single measure .)

The culprit? The tune I was using had one measure containing a quarter-note triplet and a half note. Retrograde apparently can handle many complex rhythms, slurs, ties, etc., (even eighth-note triplets) and multiple staves, but that tuplet figure (even on a single staff) confounded it.

Gerry Kirk
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