On Jan 22, 2006, at 2:24 AM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

On 21.01.2006 Andrew Stiller wrote:
Query to the German speakers on this list: does "geschliffen" make sense in this context, and if not, what other reading might you suggest?

That is correct, but very old-fashioned. A lot of people (like Jörg) wouldn't even know the meaning of it today, though it was standard in the 19th century.

I knew Johannes would come through on this one! Viel danke to him and all others who responded.

FWIW: Anthony Philip Heinrich (1781-1861), born in Bohemia, came to the US in 1811 and only then became a professional musician. Largely cut off from European developments from then on, he does indeed retain many old-fashioned musical terms and usages within the context of a highly imaginative and radically romantic idiom. Geschliffen it is.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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