On 1/29/06, Robert Patterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Finale uses the EDU, which is both relative and a fixed unit. As a
> relative unit, 24 EDU is equal to a space. As a fixed unit, 288 EDU
> equals an inch. Relative and fixed EDUs are the same when the view
> percentage is 100%.

That's actually EVPU (ENIGMA Virtual Page Unit), but in all other
respects the description is correct. EDU is a unit of duration (ENIGMA
Durational Unit); 1024 EDUs is the rhythmic length of a quarter note.

These ENIGMA units are peculiar to Finale alone; the only unit (that I
know of) which is common to engravers in general is the staff space.

Brad Beyenhof
Real-time Finale discussion: http://www.finaleirc.com
my blog: http://augmentedfourth.blogspot.com
Silence will save me from being wrong (and foolish), but it will also
deprive me of the possibility of being right.       ~ Igor Stravinsky

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