Christopher Smith wrote:

The funniest part was the delivery. Think of Robert Barone, the big brother character from Everybody Loves Raymond, the TV show, delivering it in a deadpan monotone.

Plus, the bass trombonist really was speaking out of turn, as he should refer to the section leader first for points of interpretation. How often does a mere bass trombonist address the conductor in rehearsal?

True story:

The conductor of a major orchestra had been waxing philosophical for a
few minutes on how he wanted a certain passage to be played. From the
back, the bass trombonist raised his hand and asked, "Do you want it
louder... or slower?" A stunned silence for a few seconds, then general

As if there was any other choice to be had from a bass trombonist!

"Whaddya mean, 'dynamics!?' - I'm playing as loud as I can!!"


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