
A client of mine, with whom I have worked for several years... nice guy, talented, wants to write music, but never learned to read itit etc. etc..... I've whined about him before in this space, and I have a NEW problem with this gig. .

Well.. he uses Encore, and loves it because he can "write music" by noodling into his keyboard while running Encore and he gets a (sort of) score as a result. My job? Translate it into actual music that can be read. There are lyrics involved, too, which , in the old version of Encore, floated around the page without regard to what note they might have been assigned to. (ditto for slurs and other markings). Anyway, I was always able to import Encore files into Finale, and even though they had multiple problems, they were enough to work with.

Now... NOW , instead of learning Finale (which he bought in 2003 and promised to learn) he has upgraded to the new, shiny version of Encore. Some problems (by no means all) have b been addressed. Lyrics will now stay where they belong, etc. But my version of Finale ((2004 Mac) will not import the new Encore files. So he's been converting his Encore files to MIDI files for me to open in Finale and tinker with. Another whole set of problems. They seem to come through with no key signatures, have no lyrics, of course (so those must be entered in Finale from a pdf of the Encore file he print out for me to reference... could this BE any more complicated and annoying?), and the stupid Encore notation (inappropriate ties, other weirdness) comes through in F Finale as logical notation, which often cause other problems.

So here is my question... short of giving up a client who pays me extremely well, and who has learned to be nice to me, and short of tying him to his chair and teaching him to use Finale, I need another solution...

question" I need to upgrade to a current version of Finale. I should have done it long ago, but held on to 2004 because of a couple of clients who refuse to upgrade. BUT, will 2006 import the shiny new Encore files? 2004 simply ignores the request to import.

OK, Maybe I'll buy some rope and duct tape and go for the chair/Finale option. But what about 2006 and Encore? Anyone have experience with that? (And if so, my most heartfelt condolences.)
Thanks for any help.

Linda Worsley
Finale mailing list

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