On 15.02.2006 David W. Fenton wrote:
The issue of published critical editions is not involved -- Sawkins made a private edition for the use of the performing group that Hyperion was recording.

I really am not an expert on the law side of all this, but in which way is Sawkins edition so clearly not a critical one? I don't think the law differentiates between private or public in this matter. And from that point of view the court decision may be in line with European law, and could have been similar in any other European country.

The point is that a critical edition can receive royalties. A one off fee may not be enough. In that sense Sawkins may only have sued them for something which he is indeed guaranteed by law, and which he would have been guaranteed by law in any other EU member state.

For those interested and reading German, here is the web page with the relevant information:


They also keep a list of music, for which they deal with perfomance rights. Interestingly, NBA does not seem to be part of it (perhaps they simply haven't bothered?). But the Beethoven complete edition, Haydn complete edition etc.


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