Mark D Lew wrote:

On Feb 14, 2006, at 11:52 AM, David W. Fenton wrote:

Well, let me say that anything other than ppp to fff is ridiculous --
there's no possible way to actually make such gradations in any
meaningful sense. Anything beyond that range is voodoo notation, in
my opinion.

I wish I had the proper quote, but I recall reading about how Verdi, when asked about the "pppppp" marking in the Requiem and "ppppppp" in Otello, remarked that all he really wanted was pianissimo, but the singers didn't take notice if he just wrote "pp" or "ppp", so he kept adding p's to get the point across.

I've read similar information concerning Tchaikovsky. Personally I've never even understood the difference between pp and ppp.

David H. Bailey
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