On 19 Feb 2006 at 2:16, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

> Ken Moore / 2006/02/18 / 05:06 PM wrote:
> >I never met that outside the context of an OS command line interface.
> > Isn't it confined to UNIX? I see that in MS DOS the ">" character is
> > called "pipe", because it performs the same function as the UNIX
> >"|".
> I don't think so.
> In DOS prompt, 'dir | more', it's a PIPE as long as I remember.  Of
> course DOS was a Unix CUI wannabe :-)

I honestly don't think DOS has any direct "genetic" relation to Unix 
CLI in its design, except perhaps through Q-DOS (the product that 
Microsoft purchased), which was something of a knock-off of CPM, 
another personal computer OS from the late 70s.

A commandline interface was the only interface to any OS before the 
widespread use of a GUI, so any OS would have had it at that time. 
Since OS's all have a number of things in common in terms of tasks 
that a user needs to perform, all CLI's are going to be pretty much 
equivalent in the functionality they provide (insofar as the 
different OS's support those features; DOS lacked a lot of things 
that Unix, even the Unix of the late 70s, offered). Given how 
different the command names are in DOS, I don't see any real direct 
line back to Unix at all, expecially given that many of the functions 
are not mapped one-to-one onto the differently-named-but-equivalent 

> I believe both DOS and U/Linux reserves '>' char for output.

I am familiar with referring to the > as a redirector, as in:

  copy c:\*.* d:\ >copy.txt

That redirects the console output of the copy command to the file 

  copy c:\*.* d:\ >>copy.txt

The doubling up appends the output to any existing file (as opposed 
to creating the file anew each time, replacing any existing file 
bythat name), or creates the file for the first time.

The other symbol, <, can also be used, to redirect output into a 
command. I can't remember an example of that, as it was a fairly 
exotic thing to attempt back when I was a wiz at writing DOS files.

The pipe symbol, |, (and yes, that's the term I've always used for it 
among geeks, but use the term "vertical bar" when dealing with non-
geeks; it's a useful character for use in constructing hard-to-crack 
passwords) is for redirecting output between programs, as in:

  dir *.* | more

That take the output of the directory listing command and pipes it 
through the "more" program, which splits the output into screens and 
puts a "--more--" at the end, to, I guess, suggest that you strike 
the spacebar to get the next screen. I never realized it, but there 
are only a few keystrokes that MORE responds to (these are outlined 
in the help for it, reached at the command prompt by typing "more 

Of course, I'm not really checking DOS, but the NT command prompt. 
However, the NT command prompt is, so far as I know, 100% backwardly 
compatible with DOS, though many commands have expanded 

But so far as I can see, the behaviors of |, > and < have not been 

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
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