Raymond Horton wrote:

For anyone who is interested in the threatened Chapter Seven bankruptcy on April 1 of the Louisville Orchestra and how negotiations have sunk to that point, see the excellent series of articles (presently four) by Drew McManus starting on this page:


I only wish the paper and TV stations here had someone who would take the time and trouble to cover the story as thoughly as has McManus. We wouldn't be in as sad a shape if there were.

Carl Dershem wrote:
Have you called them, and/or printed out the articles and sent them? You never know what might make a difefrence.

Yes, we have, but...

It is actually more complicated than that. Newspaper guy who is covering the story already knows about McManus because McManus has been in contact with him for old articles (Newspaper made up it's mind against the players very early in this matter - doesn't want to be confused by facts). TV is complicated - one of the stations "broke" the story before the others when it ignored a blackout on the story before negotiations had broken off, so the other stations are softpedling the story; the station that "broke" the story is owned by an orchestra board member, so the coverage is totally one-sided (see parenthetical comment about newspaper). We are trying to hit the media now with stuff like this, a press release put out yesterday:


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