Hello Finale;
I have found that when using the "explode music" feature, even though the articulations are in the right place BEFORE the music is exploded, they come out funny in the parts AFTER the chords are exploded.
I was wondering if there is a way for ALL articulations of a certain type to be forced either ABOVE the staff  or below the staff, rather than hand editiong them, which can be really tedious. The way it comes out now, they are mixed above and below. Maybe it has to do with positioning of the note heads relative to the staff, i.e. stem up or sten down.
Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places, but the documentation has not yielded any tricks to me as yet..
Thanks; Bill S

One of the quick tricks you can now use with artics and staff expressions is to select the corresponding tool so all the handles show, then select all or as many as you want to change and hit the clear button. This resets all to their default settings. This is great when you are importing clip files and music from older files and as you are doing - exploding music. There will doubtless be a little tidying up to do and this is one quick way to acomplish it. Reducing down the scroll view can enable you to sweep a whole score and reset everything in seconds by using <select all> in each view.

BTW, you can do this with smart shapes, for example to change slurs back to default or to make all hairpins horizontal. This is great for when you get a score through from a user who isn't too savvy with Finale and has input everything rather poorly!. Again, reduce the scroll view right down, select the smart shape tool, handles appear, <select all>, then control click on any handle to bring down the contextual menu and make your selection from there.

As for the documentation you really aren't trying very hard are you ;-) Try looking on the first page that comes up in the index under 'A' for ARTICULATIONS, there is a subsection called <Centering and repositioning existing articulations>. I would have though that describes perfectly what you are trying to do. I wonder where you were looking??

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