Robert Patterson wrote:

Mark D Lew wrote:

For example, the one Ross rule which is probably my greatest personal peeve -- that tempo marks must be in bold --

In all fairness, what Ross says about tempo marks is, "...a bolder roman type is commonly used..." (p. A-8). This is about as non-prescriptive as you could as for. Once could hardly call it a "rule", especially since earlier chapters are much more prescriptive in tone.

Much of Ross requires an understanding of the context within which he wrote, and I think this is especially true of the A appendix.

I didn't mean to diss Ted Ross or his great book, but rather to simply try to keep things in perspective -- his statements are simply one set of experienced statements out of how many thousands of fellow engravers, many of whom worked for different publishing houses with different house "rules."

I love his book, and I recommend it to anybody who expresses an interest in music engraving or music manuscript. And I agree with much of what he says.

I just don't look on him as a god whose dictates must be followed, and wanted to counter some of the "Ted Ross says . . ." posts which imply that what he says should be followed as the be-all of the engraving art.

As they say in Pirates of the Carribean: "We looks on them more as guidelines."

David H. Bailey
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