On 1 Apr 2006 at 0:05, Robert C L Watson wrote:

> > ...Thus, one might reasonably say that the parlato songs 
> > in The Music Man are a form of rap ... <
> Nope. They came long before rap.  And their origins are G&S patter
> songs and Noel Coward. 

They may have come before the genre we call rap, but I fail to see 
any difference whatsoever in the musical content involved, except for 
the underlying musical style. They are both words spoken rhythmically 
to musical accompaniment, where the delivery may have definite pitch 
contours at times and less definite at others.

The idea that rap doesn't involve pitch baffles me. There's a helluva 
lot of subtlety to the vocal delivery that is not just in the 
incredibly complex rhythms -- there is shape to the vocal lines as 

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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