Hi, just lurking, but had to say this:

> I admit it: I don't like rap. I don't understand it.
> It is irritating to me. I prefer real music. So there we are back at what
is music.

I don't understand quantum physics. I prefer Newtonian physics. So am I
qualified to dismiss the work of a century's worth of scientists when I know
I am ignorant of it?

This debate has spiralled into a slapping match over whether something as
banal as rap should be allowed under our precious umbrella. And the ones
pushing it out the hardest do not understand it, cannot cite examples, and
simply express venom toward it.

Would you like a rock critic to write a review of your
classical/twelve-tone/whatever composition? Of course not; he doesn't
understand the genre, has no valid comparisons to bring to the table, and
will likely as not base his reaction on his gut. Yet that's exactly what the
greatest nay-sayers are doing in this argument.

Bottom line - we don't get to choose what is and is not Music. We simply get
to pick what we want to hear (that's why the radio comes equipped with a
knob), and deal with it from there. The excercise of proving or disproving
rap's musicality or artistic worth is futile and divisive. Let's allow our
grandchildren (or even their grandchildren) to handle that question.


Neal Schermerhorn

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