At 10:32 AM 4/5/06 -0400, David W. Fenton wrote:
>Citrix *never* worked that way. It was always multi-user, running on 
>top of the Terminal Server version of Windows NT. That is, you were 
>always getting an individual desktop for each user.

I used a beta version back when they were first hawking it, when I was
writing a feature story about EDI systems -- that's way long ago! I could
get only one desktop and one application at a time. Signing on for another
demo run at the same time put me where I already was. Probably a limitation
of the demo they provided to writers. It was also deathly slow. The people
were hard to deal with and hard to reach and the demo crashed, so I didn't
mention them in the final article. First impressions matter sometimes!


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