Fingers are crossed on that last point there....

Darcy James Argue wrote:
Eric is right -- if you want to offload the processing of modern sample libraries (with all of the bells and whistles like authentic slurring, sampled performance techniques, etc), the memory and processing demands of this task are such that you're better off getting an entirely separate computer to handle it. (Which is, of course, what the pros do.)

However, for the average user, this is not necessary, provided they have an up-to-date computer like the MacIntel. That's the beauty of OS X's multi-threading and Intel's Core Duo -- it's entirely possible to have one processor core handle the sample playback, while the other handles everything else. Given enough memory, upon the release of Fin2007, GPO playback should not be a problem on any of the new MacIntels (except perhaps the low-end, single core Mac mini).

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