I would say, if one did not have access to a recording, that intent of the spelling of the lyrics is obvious, and in most cases, it is nearly obvious what is intended by the two juxtaposed pronunciations.

It is still quite interesting, though. For example, unlike the earlier comment, "tomato, tomahto" reads right to my ear, but, "pajamas, pajahmas" both sound the same to me. (I could figure it out if I had to sing the song, though.)

Ray Horton

Michael Cook wrote:

As published by Warner Bros, Lyrics by Ira Gershwin (copyright 1936, 1937, renewed 1963, 1964 George Gershwin Music and Ira Gershwin Music)

You say ee-ther and I say eye-ther
nee-ther; ny-ther
po-ta-to; po-tah-to
to-ma-to; to-mah-to
pa-ja-mas; pa-jah-mas
laugh-ter; lawf-ter
af-ter; awf-ter
va-nil-la; va-nel-la
sa's'-pa-ril-la; sa's'-pa-rel-la
choc'-late; straw-b'ry
oyst-ers; erst-ers

Depending on your accent in English, when you say the above words they will or they will not sound as they do when Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers sing them in the film "Shall We Dance" (in a great dance number on roller skates, by the way). The only really clear way to indicate the pronunciation in a score would be to use the IPA, but (sadly) not enough people learn that anyway. It's better to accept that for this sort of music, recorded original performances are at least as important as the printed score.

Best wishes,

Michael Cook

On 10 Apr 2006, at 20:25, Darcy James Argue wrote:

On 10 Apr 2006, at 11:58 AM, Robert Patterson wrote:

Does anyone have the sheet music? If the printed lyrics show no difference in spelling,

I believe the printed music spells the words phonetically -- "tomato," "tomahto," etc.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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