It's better to set the Lyrics Font as you wish before entering the lyrics.
If you need to change the fonts *after", you may easily change them at one go by using the Plug-in:
Plug-ins / Miscellaneous / Change Fonts (WinFin 2006).
You may even change independently the Verses and the Lyrics.

I don't remember when this Plug-in has appeared...


2006/4/12, Christopher Smith < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Apr 12, 2006, at 4:42 AM, dhbailey wrote:

> Christopher Smith wrote:
>> On Apr 11, 2006, at 10:00 PM, Kim Patrick Clow wrote:
>>> Is there a way to declare a default font for lyric tool? It's such a
>>> pain to reset what I've typed...
>>>  Thanks so much!
>> Options menu>Document Options>Fonts... Lyrics is the first item.
>> Make this change to your default file and save it under the same name
>> in the same place (Windows users save it as a template, otherwise it
>> won't be used when using the Setup Wizard.)
> but there's also the option to swap fonts, which would help him with
> what has already been typed -- Options/DataCheck/Swap One Font For
> Another allows him to actually change what's already been entered.

Except that if he wants to change Times 12 in his lyrics to Times 14,
EVERY instance of Times 12 will also change, including titles, text
expressions, etc.

It's easier (if he has to change what is already written) to open up
the Edit Lyrics window, select all, and choose a larger point size from
the menu.

And it's easier still (if he knows he will always want Times 14 in the
future) to have that as his default, as I suggested.


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