Colin Broom wrote:

I'm currently in the process of writing the program note for my brass quintet 'BIG WASP' which is getting it's first performance in May, and the same question has once again entered my head, so I thought I'd get some thoughts on it.

Basically I'm just wondering what kind of size would most people think of if someone says the phrase "big wasp". But more specifically:

Which would frighten you most?

A wasp the size of a trumpet?
A wasp the size of a tuba?  or
A wasp the size of a concert hall?

(I know this is ridiculously off-topic, but I am actually quite interested to know if there's a general consensus, and if so, it might find its way into my program note.)

Here is a real life hornet that is about 2 inches long:

From the web site:

The giant Asian hornet (Vespa mandarinia) has earned the nickname "yak killer" from local villagers. At nearly 2 inches long, they're the world's largest hornets. Victims describe their quarter-inch-long stingers as feeling like a hot nail. The stinger delivers a lethal venom that dissolves human tissue, and, as the name implies, can kill a yak.

That sounds scary enough!

-Randolph Peters
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