Title: Re: [Finale] Figured bass and the lyric tool: what's ok (from an engraving point of view)
On 4/18/06 9:32 AM, "Christopher Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The fourth arrow affects the NEXT syllable you type, which makes it all
> but useless. I never touch it.

Does anyone ever use this? I’ve never found a need for it either, since I’m generally not moving lyrics around until I have my layout set the way I want it.

On another note, I’m sure you are all familiar with the adjust baselines dialogue. Don’t you wish that there was a more intuitive way to edit the information there? I wish you could see the adjusted baselines in a spreadsheet like format rather than having to use the next and prev buttons. I wrote makemusic about it at least, but it sure would be nice if there were at least a way to clear all entered values. (I know the reset to defaults, but that doesn’t clear out system by system changes).


Scot Hanna-Weir
Music Engraver
A-R Editions, Inc.
Middleton, WI
Finale mailing list

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