Title: Re: [Finale] Lyrics placed correctly but unattached
What if you enter the music, all the way through.

Then for the verses after the first, create a staff style that is a 0-line staff and shows nothing in the options.

Then, go into speedy or simple edit and hide the note heads.

When I tried just applying a hide staff style, it did make the lyrics disappear as well. I think this option will work, and if you are in speedy, you can just hit H and right arrow over and over again. It’s not super elegant, but I think it’ll make it work for you.  Plus, if the music has to come back, you can just unhide. There might even be an easier way to hide all the notes. I just didn’t check into that.

-Scot Hanna-Weir

On 4/19/06 3:08 PM, "Dennis Bathory-Kitsz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been given a score for voice & guitar. The guitar sometimes is on
> one staff, sometimes two. That's not a problem. I can optimize it away.
> The voice is the issue. Only the first verse is to be written out with
> music. The rest are to be words only. The composer wants the words to be in
> place as if there were a staff there, but without a staff. In other words,
> the lyrics have to be above the guitar, in the vocal rhythm.
> Is there a good way to do this? Enter them on the page as text? All 4
> layers are used in the guitar part, so there's nothing to attach to on the
> lower staff. If I create a single-line staff for that part, but hide
> everything with a staff style, will lyrics go away (I haven't tried that yet)?
> I'm looking for a way to keep the lyrics usable in case he changes his mind
> later and wants the music with the lyrics. (I know, I know...)
> Advice welcome!
> Dennis

Scot Hanna-Weir
Music Engraver
A-R Editions, Inc.
Middleton, WI
Finale mailing list

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