At 04:52 PM 5/5/2006 +0200, Barbara Touburg wrote:
>Ooo, Dennis, and what are you willing to pay for it all?

I'd buy a copy again at full retail, to same way I bought my first copy!
I've already paid for the original, Adobe Type Manager (which we Windows
users needed back then), 10 upgrades (I skipped two of them), all the
commercial plugins, and several font sets, so I probably have $2000
invested in Finale at this point.

(Besides, the Finale folks could buy some of that technology right from
another program we both know.)

>I forgot: next year you'll have some money to spend...  :)

Hahahahahaaaaaaa! We shall see ... I have received commission #45 (haven't
updated the website -- I'm away from home, in Maine). Only 320 to go. :)


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