On May 28, 2006, at 4:01 PM, Christopher Smith wrote:

On May 28, 2006, at 2:56 PM, D. Keneth Fowler wrote:

To the wisdom of the list,

Piano score, several chords roll through both staves.What is considered good practice in locating the upper and lower termination points for the roll signs? DoI key on the termination points of the stems or on the highest and lowest note heads?

I have always terminated slightly above the highest, and slightly below the lowest note.

Now that you bring it up, I have absolutely no idea whether there is some standard point to terminate or not.

I just checked the three books I have at hand. Stone and Heussenstamm make no mention of it, and are inconsistent with their examples, being somewhere between ending at the notehead and extending slightly beyond, as I do. Clinton Roemer says nothing, but is very consistent in starting and stopping at the top and bottom limits of the noteheads. The stem end seems to be out of the question.

Hope this helps.


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