At 05:34 PM 6/14/06 -0700, Richard Yates wrote:
>How would you match up syllables to notes in the second verse which begins:
>"Come, shadow of my end, and shape of rest"?

I've sung this, albeit many years ago (1969). In conjuring up the physical
memory, it came out of my mouth just now this way: Quarter rest, half note
(come), quarter tied across bar to eighth (shad-) eighth (ow), two eighths
(of my) half (end). eighth rest, eighth (and) two slurred eighths (shape)
two slurred quarters (of) half (rest).

I have no idea if that's the standard way, but lo those many years ago I
had imagined myself a darn good countertenor and gave a full concert of
Dowland. I was wrong on being a good countertenor, so maybe I'm wrong on
those syllables, too. :)



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