If you have a mac, check this out


Christopher Smith wrote:

c) A clipboard!! Be able to copy and name sections like "Verse", "Bridge" etc on a userfriendly clipboard. Just drag and drop from a window into the score! I know one can use "Clip-files" but I think it should be easier and more accesible.

Clip files ARE pretty easy already. Are you using keyboard commands, rather than mousing it all the time? On the Mac, cmd-opt-C makes a clip file, cmd-opt-V pastes it in, while cmd-opt-I inserts it. You still have to make sure you have set the things you want copied, but it is hard to imagine a plugin making this any easier.

You can also use the computer's clipboard, but it can't hold more than one thing at a time. It seems to me that there is already something like this available as a third-party program - nothing to do with Finale, but it is supposed to work with almost any program. Does somebody know what this could be?

One more option that you might not have though of. In the Window menu (not the WindowS menu!) click New Window. This will be a duplicate of the file you now have open. Select Tile Windows. You can now have both windows in two different places, so you can drag and drop say, bars 1 to 32 from one window to drop it onto bar 65 in the other window. The two windows can be at different resolutions, too, and you can resize them as you like. This is as close to a clipboard as I think we can manage, though you could also have another, different file open and call it Verse if you want, and drag and drop from there.

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