Well, as a computer geek, I have to note:

Admiral Grace Hopper (grasshopper) who was a well-respected icon in computing - she was instrumental in many computer advances, including COBOL (trust me, it was an advance at the time).

Richard (Dick) Pick, inventor of the Pick Operating System. I have heard tell that he preferred the nickname to being called Richard.

And locally, we have someone named Heidi Ho. I don't know of any relatives named Tally.

Stan Lord wrote:
My ex sister-in-law was a junior school teacher here (UK). One of her pupils was called Everard Dick.

Stan Lord

On 15 Jun 2006, at 17:51, Phil Daley wrote:

At 6/15/2006 12:25 PM, Dean M. Estabrook wrote:

>Ah, another case for gender-specific nomenclature, which I obviated
>when I dubbed my daughter Adrian, causing her a life of elucidation.

I have always wondered why parents did this to their kids.

I mean "MoonGlow" or whatever, what are the parents thinking?

I can understand thinking that you don't want to name your kids like everybody else.

I have 4 kids and the "creative" names we put into the middle names.

My best example is my youngest son who was almost born on Star Island (one of the Isles of Shoals), 7 miles off the NH coast from Portsmouth.

Fortunately, the Coast Guard carried my wife back to the shore before the birth.

So we named him Joshua Raymond Shoals Daley.

We had a bunch of people tell us that his first name should be "Shoals".

Go figure.

Phil Daley          < AutoDesk >

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