On 19 Aug 2006, at 1:13 PM, Andrew Stiller wrote:

On Aug 18, 2006, at 4:18 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

Of course, doing this individually for every single staff in an orchestra score is an incredible pain in the tuchus, but since Setup Wizard won't let you choose "chromatic transposition" instead of "key signature transposition" before you create the score, there's no way around it without forgoing the setup wizard altogether.

Your tuchus must have a low pain threshold. I never use the Setup Wizard, and am frankly surprised that any professional would do otherwise. Maybe I'm just a control freak.

Using the Setup Wizard saves an enormous amount of time when it comes to configuring your score for GPO playback.

Lots of "professionals," including Johannes, use it. The score it builds is based on your own customized default file. Obviously, it will still require some additional tweaking, but it's considerably faster than adding staves manually.

Setting up the transpositions, chromatic or not, for a 40-staff orchestral work should take about 5 minutes, tops.

That's my point! In Sibelius, this operation takes 5 seconds, tops.

If you've ever had a client go back and forth about whether he wanted his piece to use a key signature or not, you'll understand why this needs to be a one-click operation.


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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