At 03:02 PM 8/28/2006, Chuck Israels wrote:
>When I looked at the part view (I did this before entering notes in
>the score, just to see how they'd look), I saw the same thing - a big
>MM rest, and when looking at the parts view after entering all the
>information in the score, that original MM rest was still there
>covering later entries, and no later MM rests showed up in the

To me, that sounds like you didn't have the 'Update Automatically' box checked in Document Options. If I have that checked, and I do what I said in my earlier email, and then I go to the score and enter notes in a measure in the piccolo staff, then when I switch back to the piccolo part the MM rest is correctly broken and the notes appear.

I know you don't have all day to keep working on this issue, and it sounds like you're having lots of other troubles as well. These are just some thoughts on this one.


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