At 9/7/2006 05:53 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

>> But you can zip TIF, and the end file size is less than 1/3 (I think
>> it's close to 1/4).
>But it's still larger than the compressed PNG, and barely smaller
>than the uncompressed PNG:
>       original    zipped
>TIF     231KB       50KB
>PNG      53KB       49KB
>GIF     107KB      107KB
>The GIF, of course, does not compress at all, as it's internally
>compressed already.
>And, of course, if you're dealing with a compressed ZIP, then it's
>different, still. Here are the results:
>                   original    zipped
>Uncompressed TIF    231KB       50KB
>LZW TIF             122KB      104KB
>Huffman encoding     89KB       53KB
>FAX-CCITT 3          90KB       56KB
>Packbits            229KB       43KB

Good work !!

Is there a reason that you didn't try FAX-CCITT 4?

That is (supposedly) the best TIF compression for a bitonal image.

(If you don't have that capability, send me the image off-list and I'll try it out.)

Phil Daley          < AutoDesk >

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