I must confess that I sent it back. Between the bugs and the very mixed 
blessing of mixed parts, I determined that 2007 and I were not a good match. 
There were also some other back to 2006 it is, at least here in the 
great midwest...
As to things I see in the parts that need fixing in the score as well, I just 
keep a list of them when I look at parts/print parts, and then fix the score 
afterwards.  It's usually  relatively minor things like a misplaced or missing 
dynamic or hairpin, a wrong note that sounded ok on playback & I missed, etc... 
If I made a really egregious error or decide to make wholesale changes, I'll 
print a set of "old parts" in draft mode and use them as a reference for layout 
if possible. 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Chuck Israels
Sent: Fri 08-Sep-06 1:32
Subject: [Finale] working in linked score/parts

I've done a couple of fairly large big band scores now in 2007, and I 
am finding the linked parts to be a mixed blessing in their present 
state.  Many, even most, things seem to be working as advertised, but 
there are still some bugs.

Working from Finale's jazz band template (considerably modified), I 
still have to create the MM rests.  Seems to me that should be 
automatic, and it is automatic up to some measures into the score, 
then not.  Makes no sense to me.

Also, the problem of missing staff styles has cropped up again.  They 
are clearly visible in the score view, but some don't "stick" to the 
parts.  I can't figure out which ones stick and which ones don't.  
There doesn't seem to be a pattern.  Of course, you can re-enter them 
in the parts, but that's a pain.

On the other hand, 2 and a half hours to format 16 part (most of them 
3 pages) is not so bad.  I could have done it more quickly with 
extracted parts (for this kind of piece) - maybe saved an hour, but 
there were things I noticed in the parts that escaped my attention in 
the score, and correcting them corrected the score as well.  So those 
things went more quickly.

When the bugs are eliminated, I think I'm going to appreciate the new 

I still haven't figured out how to handle the title problem I 
mentioned in an earlier post.

That's my report.


Chuck Israels
230 North Garden Terrace
Bellingham, WA 98225-5836
phone (360) 671-3402
fax (360) 676-6055

Finale mailing list

I must confess that I sent it back. Between the bugs and the very mixed 
blessing of mixed parts, I determined that 2007 and I were not a good match. 
There were also some other back to 2006 it is, at least here in the 
great midwest...
As to things I see in the parts that need fixing in the score as well, I just 
keep a list of them when I look at parts/print parts, and then fix the score 
afterwards.  It's usually  relatively minor things like a misplaced or missing 
dynamic or hairpin, a wrong note that sounded ok on playback & I missed, etc... 
If I made a really egregious error or decide to make wholesale changes, I'll 
print a set of "old parts" in draft mode and use them as a reference for layout 
if possible. 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Chuck Israels
Sent: Fri 08-Sep-06 1:32
Subject: [Finale] working in linked score/parts

I've done a couple of fairly large big band scores now in 2007, and I 
am finding the linked parts to be a mixed blessing in their present 
state.  Many, even most, things seem to be working as advertised, but 
there are still some bugs.

Working from Finale's jazz band template (considerably modified), I 
still have to create the MM rests.  Seems to me that should be 
automatic, and it is automatic up to some measures into the score, 
then not.  Makes no sense to me.

Also, the problem of missing staff styles has cropped up again.  They 
are clearly visible in the score view, but some don't "stick" to the 
parts.  I can't figure out which ones stick and which ones don't.  
There doesn't seem to be a pattern.  Of course, you can re-enter them 
in the parts, but that's a pain.

On the other hand, 2 and a half hours to format 16 part (most of them 
3 pages) is not so bad.  I could have done it more quickly with 
extracted parts (for this kind of piece) - maybe saved an hour, but 
there were things I noticed in the parts that escaped my attention in 
the score, and correcting them corrected the score as well.  So those 
things went more quickly.

When the bugs are eliminated, I think I'm going to appreciate the new 

I still haven't figured out how to handle the title problem I 
mentioned in an earlier post.

That's my report.


Chuck Israels
230 North Garden Terrace
Bellingham, WA 98225-5836
phone (360) 671-3402
fax (360) 676-6055

Finale mailing list

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