Thank you, David;
When cleating parts, neither text blocks nor staff names appears.
Since I have to check 'staff name in parts' box every time creating
docments fromm the wizard, I would like to know the way to preset the
box checked. But I found a thread about that in MM's forum and that 
there is some expalanation about that at page 37 of the 2007 manual.
Thank you again.

>masao iikura wrote:
>> Thank you, Aaron and David;
>> I did some experiment and found that settinf in 
>> Document | Page Format | Parts works well, and that 
>> I can't set items other than those in 
>> the menu - for example, Title/Copmpower/Staff Attributes - 
>> before I generate parts. Correct?
>> I guess Title/Composer Posotion comes from Score of Maestro 
>> Default Font. But the parts generated without any setting action 
>> seems to has some default settings which deffers from Maestro
>> Default Font file (Staff Attributes). 
>> Where do they come from?
>In the Manage Parts dialog are the old dialogs which we used to see in 
>the Extract Parts dialog from earlier versions.
>Go to Document/Manage Parts and then click on the Part Creation 
>Preferences button and you can set/change the settings for margins, page 
>layout things, system spacing, etc.
>I think that's what you're looking for from your second paragraph.  If 
>I'm mistaken in what you're looking for, perhaps you could be more 
>specific about which settings you want to change.

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