Hi Robert,

I was the one who reported it and heard back from Tobias.

It was Align/Move that crashed Finale, though the version of that tool supplied in Finale works fine.

That's all I know.  I will explore what versions I have and report back.


On Sep 11, 2006, at 10:11 AM, Robert Patterson wrote:

Andrew Stiller wrote:

As of a week or so ago, TGTools was reported as causing Fin2K7 to freeze. Has this now been fixed?

I do not have this problem. I was out of town and missed the report. Perhaps a specific function causes Fin07 to freeze. Or perhaps the person reporting the problem did not have PDKTools 2.16. (PDKTools 2.15 definitely causes Fin07 to freeze, as well as Fin06d.)

I have been using TGTools v2.34 with Mac Fin07 without incident, but I haven't used much more than Add/Remove space, Align/Move, and perhaps Staff List Mgr is score view.

Robert Patterson

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