On 14 Sep 2006 at 4:19, Noel Stoutenburg wrote:

> I'm not sure what I would do on a four movement work for quartet. 
> I've done them, and I've done them both as a large file, and as four
> shorter ones.  Which method I would choose would depend upon a number
> of considerations, including (but not limited to) length of the work;
> whether and how the work is to be bound; and number of text, lyric,
> articulation, and expression items. 

If I were producing just a score, for a very large work (long and 
lots of parts, i.e., more than 4), I'd consider doing separate files.

But no matter the size of the work, if I have to produce parts, I'd 
do it in a single file. 

With linked parts, I'd think it would get even more complicated to 
print out parts from separate files.

And, of course, if you're contemplating combining files after 
completing in order to make parts, then DON'T. There are too many 
things that can go wrong that it is only worth doing if you're 
combining files created back in the days when Finale (and computer 
hardware) likely *couldn't* handle such large files well. I have 
plenty of them and have done plenty of them and will never do 
individual movement files again, except in the circumstances I 
mentioned above (i.e., no parts needed, really hefty 

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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