Do you mean that this was deliberate? Because the fix is much worse than the problem. I can't duplicate Chris's bug with the articulations not copying in Fin2006d even following his steps (and never ran into this behavior in the normal course of my work), but I rely on being able to opt-click copy with a target measure in the selected area *all the time*. So does every other B'way copyist I know.


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 18 Sep 2006, at 8:39 AM, Fisher, Allen wrote:

This was why the behavior was changed.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Christopher Smith
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2006 6:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Finale] Fin2007 copy bug

On Sep 16, 2006, at 9:25 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

I believe this is a known bug, I just want to confirm it's been
reported and acknowledged:

In Fin2007, opt-shift-click and opt-click copying no longer works
when the target measure is within the selected region.

Man, that's a pain.

I can confirm that's true, though I don't know if it is a bug. This
behaviour might have been implemented to fix the bug
explained below,
reported last year in FinMac 2006b. Didn't you find that you lost
articulations when you overlapped the source and target in 2006?

Sorry that fix broke something you needed, man.


I am in communication with tech support, and they can't duplicate
this problem, but it happens to me 100% of the time.

I am on MacOS 10.3.9, Finale 2006c.

Create a score that has at least six staves. Enter music in the
first measure of staff 4, add articulations and note expressions,
then copy it to staves 5 and 6. Transpose staves 5 and 6
an octave
higher and lower respectively so that you can determine what gets
copied correctly.

Select measure 1, staves 4,5,6 with the Mass Edit tool.

Next, opt-sh click on staff 1. You will see the Items to
Copy box,
Select all except Measure Items>Barline, Key, Measure
and repeats, and set clefs never to copy. Hit OK.

All should be well, as everything should copy as expected.

NOW, undo that and with the SAME three staves selected, opt-click
on measure 1 staff 2 instead of staff 1. You can opt-sh-click as
well and OK the dialogue box - it makes no difference on
my machine.

The notes copy to all staves correctly, but the note expressions
and articulations do not, but only for Staff 2.

Now undo that and opt-click on staff 3. NOW the articulations are
missing on Staff 3 AND Staff 4! Apparently if one staff is
overlapped, you lose things on one staff; if you overlap two
staves you lose items on two staves.

Can other Mac users confirm, please? And maybe see if this
on Windows as well?



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