On 24 Sep 2006 at 12:58, John Howell wrote:

> At 9:28 AM -0700 9/24/06, Carl Dershem wrote:
> >Michael Cook wrote:
> >
> >>The URL points to an 80 MB WMV file, so it might take a while to
> >>load: I saved the file to my hard disk and it was well worth the
> >>wait. The video was apparently made in 1997 and the engraver is just
> >> incredible.
> >
> >Even with my fast connection (upwards of 5Mb/sec) it took a while,
> >but it was worth it.  Utterly fascinating!
> Can someone explain to this technodummy exactly HOW to "save the file
> to my hard disk."  I don't even know where the file WAS!  It showed up
> in a wmp window and disappeared when I closed the window.  I'd put up
> with the 10 minute download time again if I could actually save the
> file.

My version of Windows Media Player has a SAVE AS option on its FILE 

If yours doesn't, you can re-download it, but before doing so, set 
your web browser to prompt you for what to do with the content, 
instead of automatically loading it. How you do that will depend on 
which web browser you are using.

For what it's worth, I don't use the Windows Media Player plugin 
because I won't upgrade to the latest versions (which have Draconian 
DRM and introduce many other problems, as well as having an awful 
UI). For any content where I don't have a plugin for my browser, I 
have the content type set to prompt to save to disk.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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