On Sep 26, 2006, at 5:35 AM, Trent Johnston wrote:
I've also been using Lilypond for a while and it's not so much the
inperpections that make the layout good but the attention to detail. What Lilypond does differently though is that the computer does a lot of some of the manual work for you. As most of you may know that the score is created
from a text file.When the score "compiled" this is when the computer is
really put to work (something that big names should take note of!!) rather than just place the notes, slurs, lyrics and layout on the page as they were input the whole score is created, recreated until an optimal layout is found according to the limitations the user sets. Staves are spaced to avoid each
other, lyrics to avoid notes and slurs are drawn and re-drawn in many
configurations and when the best is found this is what appears in the
output. This is not to say that Lilypond is perfect it's still a work in progress and least if you want a special feature installed you can sponsor this change or improvement, better than paying your upgrade few and hoping
for bug or new feature is included.

The one thing I really liked in what I saw of Lilypond is the concept of assigning an "ugliness" score to a measure. The solution with the lowest ugliness score gets used. This is not unlike what I do myself, though I don't actually score it with a number!

On the other hand, I also saw some ridiculous beam angles and stem lengths. I like Patterson Beams for Finale the best out of all the solutions I have seen.


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