David W. Fenton / 2006/10/02 / 01:49 PM wrote:

>It was still the primary boot hard drive that was doing the booting --
>there was no magic that allowed you to boot from any device just 
>because you had OS/2. You had to have the boot manager configured to 
>boot from the particular device.

I don't really want to sound we are debating meaningless Mac vs Wintel,
but Mac can boot off anywhere by just pressing Opt key on boot which
lists all the possible boot volumes.  That alone, crisis control on Mac
is much easier and faster than PC without even talking about registry.

I am just curious.
When I go to location recording job including my own performance, I
always carry 2.5" emergency drive.  If and when my Powerbook flips due
to HD trouble or something, I just attach 2.5" drive, boot it off, and
finish recording.  This has happened once, actually.  If I have time
before the show, I can even run Utility to repair the problem, or
restore the internal volume itself from the emergency drive in time.

On PC, how do you control crisis like this?


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<http://a-no-ne.com> <http://anonemusic.com>

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